October Pit Crew Challenge | Steak Sauce But...No Meat!
The Croix Valley Pit Crew Challenge for October was Steak Sauce. One rule: no meat!
We hope you're enjoying the Croix Valley Pit Crew Challenges as much as we are! We "think" we know our products inside out, but people surprise us with new uses every week. We worked hard to create versatile flavor profiles that could be used in a wide variety of dishes, and we're having a blast throwing off-the-wall challenges at our team of professional food sport competitors.
In October we handed them the challenge of creating meatless dishes with our Steak Sauce. As you may or may not know, we have three Steak Sauce and Marinade varieties: the Original Steak Sauce, Garlic 'N Herb, and Hot 'N Spicy. We drew a lot of inspiration from this particular challenge, and we hope you do too. Here's what they came up with!
Marc Siemers | Hot and Sour Soup
"Hot and Sour soup from the good ol’ CanCooker Jr. Tofu and mushrooms were marinated with the Hot N Spicy steak sauce. Brussels sprouts seasoned with Garlic N Herb sauce, garlic olive oil, and fresh chili peppers."
Al Gackstetter | Portabello Mushroom Burger
"#meatlessmonday. Is that even a thing? Well it is today! I took this one out of the SCA playbook and marinated it in the Croix Valley Original Steak Sauce & Marinade for about 20-30 minutes. Once the Jealous Devil Charcoal was ripping hot, I placed it on the Grill Grates."
John Schwartz | Veggie Stew
"When in doubt throw it in a pot and hope for the best! This however came out fantastic!"
- 1 rutabaga, 1 onion
- 3-4 large potatoes
- 4 sticks of celery
- 4-5 carrots
Mike Schilling | Yorkshire Pudding with Cremini Mushrooms
"Mashing up some of my recipes on this damp fall day. Yorkshire pudding on my Traeger Grill with a tasty, hearty Croix Valley inspired cremini mushroom gravy using their Original Steak Sauce and Marinade. The gravy is from a venison Jägerschnitzel recipe. Yorkshire pudding is an easy recipe that you can cook and serve to guests in ramekins hot out of the oven."
Scott Nardi | Mushroom Stroganoff
"These Croix Valley products are just as handy in the kitchen as they are on the grill! Whipped up a batch of mushroom stroganoff, and the Croix Valley Original Steak Sauce and Garlic Booster put the flavor over the top!"
Jen Lauer | Potato Hash Breakfast Bowl and Wild Rice Hot Dish
"Good morning! Phoenix potatoes, eggs, and some Croix Valley Steak Sauce and Marinade. All Alex (my son) could say was Mmmm. I picked the Hot 'N Spicy, Steve Lauer picked Garlic 'N Herb. Now time for a Bloody Mary!"
"So I got a little wild! This is a play off a wild rice dish my mother in law makes. It's pretty simple to put together and tastes amazing.

Dan Dicke | Vegetable Barley Soup and Zucchini Pickles
"Better get this stuff posted in case I trip over my phone or something! So simple enough - we have a vegetable barley soup. I boiled the barley in vegetable stock, and added Steak Sauce with Italian booster until my ancestors told me to stop, then added Garlic Booster and rim salt to taste."
"Then we have the real Blockbuster - zucchini planks marinated in Steak Sauce! These particular zucchini planks marinated for two days and that's all it needed - they pickled???!!! I didn't really know what to expect here so I added some Sweet Heat and smoked them for half an hour, giving spicy pickles a whole new smoky dimension, and the depth of flavor that you get any time you add Croix Valley Steak Sauce to anything."
Lu Holter | Croix Valley Ratatouille
"Here’s my Croix Valley take on Ratatouille.
I used the Croix Valley Steak Sauce to make the tomato sauce base for this dish and topped it with a combination of olive oil and Croix Valley Italian Booster!
Buono!!!! "
What a month it was! Thanks to all of the Croix Valley Pit Crew members for putting their creative caps on and bringing the flavor. If you liked this one, just wait till' you see what they're cooking up next month!
If you're an adventurous soul when it comes to Croix Valley products, be sure to share your meals online with the hashtag #croixvalleynation so we can share them with everyone else. And don't forget that we give out a coveted Croix Valley Tumbler every month to someone using that hashtag!
See ya' around the grill!